Sunday, February 19, 2012

Princess Mononoke

     We all know that James Cameron's Avatar story is basically a lot of other storyline we have heard so much about, if that the case than this movie is probably one of them that was fitted into the story. Princess Mononoke is one of Hayao Miyazaki best work, both on a scale of animation and story work. For the animation portion of the movie is breathtaking, for example when you would look at a  character in a normal animation film you would just see the shape of it and some details. But when Miyazaki does it then you would see every detail making almost life like.
     As for the story portion of the movie it is also incredible. It take place in feudal Japan era, and it mostly about a man who is traveling to find 'eyes unclouded by hate' he travels across the land until he finally reaches a mining town. When he reaches there he find out that the leader of the town is destroying the forest so that they could reach the iron materials. But in order to do that they would have to kill the spirit of the forest and the animals god that protect it. But the man refuse to help and tries to find peace between the to warring groups. But when he goes into the forest, that hasn't been taken down yet, to see if the creatures of the forest will want to make peace with the humans. but there hatred for them blinds them to ignore the peace and continues to kill the humans that enter or destroy the trees of their forest.
     This story is interesting because it is one of Miyazaki films that talks about green peace but they don't foam it in. Also it show the human nature in this film and what it is sometimes about being human. In most storyline there is a battle of white and black, in this movie everything is grey and you would have to use your own judgment on what is right and what is wrong.
     For most japanese animation media they don't have the best hollywood actors, but in Miyazaki films they have all the famous actor in it and even some of oscar winning ones. This shows how powerful his movies are and that most actors would want to be a part of them. In conclusion if you want to see a movie that has good animation and story line than this is your movie to see.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Negative review on Demon Days

     Demon Days by Gorillaz is the most bland album that anyone would here in this day in age. The lead singer of this album has no felling when he is sinning the lyrics, also the words in the song do not make sense. When comparing this album to one of Disturbed, they talk about how people should not give into anger and other stuff. But in Demon Days they mostly sing about stuff that is hard to make out and it sometimes doesn't make  sense which can be a real pain in the neck to understand.
     Another thing that is bothering is how the music is formatted, at first they would play some guitar music then in the middle of the song they would have a different person singing a completely different genre of music. One of the things that you may have notice about this band is that the members of this group are cartoon characters instead of live people. The type of theme that the artwork is based upon is a gothic feel to it. It might be interesting to others but gothic type artworks can be strange and feel creepy from time to time.
     Although the idea of having a cartoon based band is kind of cleaver it can also be a problem because in most bands they have their members with back stories that people can relate to or that is similar. But if the members of the band are cartoon or not real than nobody can look up to them or relate to them because they are not real or are not given a back story. Also the artwork of the music video is hard to understand because most of the times it is hard to make sense of whats going on in the video and with the lyrics to the song doesn't help that much either.
     In conclusion Demon Days by Gorillaz is just another strange album that does not need to be bothered with. If you wanted to hear a song that make sense and has a good beat to it, then do not listen to this because it doesn't deliver both.