Monday, April 9, 2012

South Park is Back! but are the Back?

     South Park is back with all new offensive way to get on everyone’s annoyance and funny bone. In this episode of South Park, they poke fun at women who complain about having the toilet seat up and how both men and women complain on how it is not a big deal weather to put the toilet seat up or down. When a woman died due to someone leaving the toilet seat up, the government set up a security system that makes sure people are safe while they’re going to the bathroom. In doing so the people are losing their privacy and are almost humiliated by the security people. It is similar to when airport security almost strips you down to make sure you do not have anything on you.
In the past episodes of South Park would usually pick on currents events like celebrity accidents, disasters, and even political scandals or elections. But in this season the writers seemed to be making original works with no reference to any events that happen in the world. 
Each season of South Park the creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker get more and more detailed with their work. When South Park first came out they would have the shapes and take each frame and have a still shot of them. Also, each frame would have as little animation as possible. But now people would see every detail on a character and the animation is smooth and believable. One of the possibilities that south park graphics have become better is that the funding increased and they were able to get more staff to help them make things look better. Another reason is that they got better technology that helps them put everything together. 
As stated before, South Park always find new way to gross out, offend, but can still make us laughed at it. However, in this new season they are not doing as much offensive material and culture references as they did in the past. In a past episode for example, they made fun of the Muhammad cartoon case and almost got canceled because of it. In this episode, celebrities were suing the people of south park because they were angry at them and wanted revenge against them for fun of them. The celebrities said that they will withdraw unless they bring out the prophet Muhammad and give him to them. When this episode was aired Muslim fanatics sent the creators of South Park a warning letter saying if they continued to depict Muhammad, they will probably end up dead. However now that things have changed Comedy Central may be afraid of being shut down. Possibly the studio heads asked Matt Stone and Trey Parker to tone down the offensiveness and stick with original stories. For example, in an episode today they just poke fun at internet memes that most people never even heard of.
So a known possibility is that the graphics of South Park will get better with each season. But the question is, will the story line or plot get weaker and weaker? So far on the episodes in this season, this it might be true. In the future, they might lose their fan base for not being so controversial. As a result, they might lose the funding and the staff that helps them get an episode out each week. If this continues South Park might end up as it started.

1 comment:

  1. I would have thought that Muhammad episode be the one you chose to review. This one is okay though. I think your point about it being weak on concept is one to go deeper in. Also, there are some tense issues in some parts.
